Applied Research
In the field of applied research, the team at the Competence Center for Higher Education and Research Management is actively engaged. We believe that applied research is the key to innovative solutions and new ideas. Therefore, we strive to continuously expand our expertise and knowledge, always taking on new projects.
We take pride in having been involved in numerous successful research projects in the past. Below is a list of our projects.
The project 'Open Educational Resources for Educational and Research Management in the Context of Digitalization' aims to develop, revise, digitize, and disseminate free teaching and learning materials for the management of universities and science. The collaborative effort between C3L – Center for Lifelong Learning at the University of Oldenburg and the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences has published a variety of its materials—ranging from videos to learning units to complete online courses—on the OER Portal Niedersachsen, along with corresponding metadata, from December 2020 to August 2022. The materials can be found at
Open educational resources offer an outstanding opportunity to meet the growing demand for qualifications in the educational and scientific context. The Open Educational Resources (OER) from the project are specifically designed for students and educators in the 18 programs in Germany that offer courses in educational, higher education, or research management. The target audience also includes those interested in further education who have not yet opted for a formal qualification, private education providers, and the partner network's universities."
The BMBF-funded project "KaWuM - Career Paths and Qualification Requirements in Research and Higher Education Management (Duration: June 2019 to September 2022)" identified tasks in research management and the resulting qualification requirements.
KaWuM is a project conducted in collaboration between the German University of Administrative Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, and the IU International University. It is structured into three sub-projects:
The project is accompanied and advised throughout its entire duration by a specialist advisory board.
The project FAITH is funded by the EU (ERASMUS+) and led by HS Osnabrück, CHE, the Dutch institution "Saxion," Ethiopian universities, and the Ethiopian Ministry of Science.
The project duration is three years (March 2023 – February 2026), with a total budget of one million euros, of which HS Osnabrück receives 155,000 euros.
Project Goals:
- FAITH aims to transfer the German model of Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) to 15 Ethiopian universities identified by the local ministry.
- Initially, studies will be conducted on the success of the UAS model in Germany and Europe, its transfer to other countries, and the current status in Ethiopia.
- Subsequently, the successful concepts will be exemplarily transferred to three Ethiopian universities and adapted to local conditions.
- In the final step, these adapted concepts will be implemented at the other 12 Ethiopian universities, and quality assurance measures will be established.
Expected project outcomes include studies on the success of the UAS model, the current status in Ethiopia, and adapted transfer concepts for Ethiopian universities, to be published and presented at conferences.
Contact Person:
Dr. Kai Handel
Phone: 0173 961 9398
- Ziegele, Frank: Gute Ideen, die nichts kosten, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 1/2023, S. 9
- Handel, Kai; Ziegele, Frank (2022): Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement. Was bewegt die Szene? In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management (6), S. 24–27.
- Mayer, Peter: "Normative Orientierung." In Normatives Management und strategische Entwicklung – Werteorientierung als Grundlage betriebswirtschaftlichen Handelns, Winfried Zapp & Michael Wittland (Hrsg.), 27-36. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 2022.
- Janson, Kerstin und Ziegele, Frank (2022): Studieng?nge im Wissenschaftsmanagement. 4. Lessons Learnt Paper des KaWuM-Projektes, 25 S., 2022
- Janson, Kerstin und Ziegele, Frank (2022): Hochschulpolitik. 3. Lessons Learnt Paper des KaWuM-Projektes, 26 S., 2022
- Mayer, Peter: ?Managementethik im Gesundheitswesen: Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesellschaft, Institutionen und Personen“, in: Normatives Management und strategische Entwicklung – Werteorientierung als Grundlage betriebswirtschaftlichen Handelns, Winfried Zapp & Michael Wittland (Hrsg.), Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag 2022, S. 37 – 69.
- Müller, Ulrich; Thiemann, Jan; Ziegele, Frank; Riefler, Melisande; Kremer, Silvia; Kordwittenborg, Olaf; Berghoff, Sonja: Gut verbunden? dafabet888官网,大发dafa888n als Knotenpunkte nachschulischer Bildung, CHE, Gütersloh, 2022, 24 Seiten
- Roessler, Isabel; Ziegele Frank: HAW als Treiber des Transfers in die Gesellschaft. In: 50 Jahre hlb, Hrsg.: Hochschullehrerbund hlb Festschrift, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 255-263
- "Ziegele, Frank: Strategie trotz Krisenmodus, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 10/2022, S. 9"
- Ziegele, Frank: Pingpong ums Digitale, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 09/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank: Von der Kunst, Label zu setzen, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 08/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank: "Kolumne: Expert:innenmeinungen aus dem Bildungssektor" in: strategie digital. Magazin für Hochschulstrategien im digitalen Zeitalter (10/2022), Ausgabe #03: Partizipation, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, S. 16-17
- Ziegele, Frank: Hebel zur dafabet888官网,大发dafa888ntwicklung, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 07/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank: Die Position: Einfache L?sungen gibt es nicht!, in: DIE ZEIT vom 25. August 2022, S. 37
- Ziegele, Frank: Arbeiten an dafabet888官网,大发dafa888n nach der Pandemie - New University statt New Work?, in: Personal in dafabet888官网,大发dafa888 und Wissenschaft entwickeln, Ausgabe 03/2022, S. 14-17
- Ziegele, Frank: Schlagzeile auf Hochschulkosten, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 06/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank; Riefler, Melisande: "Gutes Potenzial, noch besser nutzbar", DUZ Wissenschaft & Management 05/2022, S.16-24
- Ziegele, Frank: Ganzheitlich denken, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 05/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank: Profilorientierte Kennzahlen und Rankings: Die ?beste Universit?t“ gibt es nicht. In: Winde, Mathias; Held, Anna; Müller, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Forum Hochschulr?te Newsletter update 1 | 2022
- "Ziegele, Frank; Riefler, Melisande: Stand der Zielvereinbarungen an deutschen Universit?ten - Eine Erhebung zur Verwendung interner Zielvereinbarungen, CHE Impulse Nr. 10, 2022, Gütersloh, 45 Seiten
- Ziegele, Frank: Zeitfresser Audit?, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 04/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank: Die Position: Schafft Schnittstellen der Bildung!, in: DIE ZEIT vom 28. April 2022, S. 44
- Interview Frank Ziegele im DLF 25.04.2022: "Eine App für nachschulische Bildungswege und ?bergange"
- Ziegele, Frank: Schneller, h?her, st?rker?, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Ausgabe 03/2022, S. 9
- Ziegele, Frank; Handel, Kai (2022): Wenn die Wahrnehmung des Hochschulmanagements aus der Zeit f?llt. Eine Antwort auf Ewald Scherms ?Fünf Thesen, ein Fazit“, August 2022. In: Wissenschaftsmanagement, 15. 11. 2022.