Cult_Euro_1-Test for Intercultural Competences

Description of the Test

The Cult Euro 1 Test is a procedure for measuring General and German culture-specific intercultural competence. General intercultural competence comprises characteristics and skills for effective and appropriate behavior in interaction with members of any cultures. German culture-specific intercultural competence refers to characteristics and skills for effective and appropriate interactions with members of the German culture. The test is divided in a module for general intercultural competence and in a module for German culture-specific intercultural competence which can be applied independently from each other. The test is addressed to the HR recruitment and development in public and private organisations, Universities of Applied Sciences as well as to researchers on the topic intercultural competence and diversity. Furthermore, the test contributes to the HR development of internationally active organisations, Universities of Applied Sciences as well as institutions which are responsible for the training and further qualification of migrants in Germany, for instance, the Public Employment Office.

The Cult Euro 1 Test represents the first validated and standardized test for intercultural competence. The test enables thereby not only a measurement of the cross-cultural competence of the participants but records also culture-specific competence for the German culture. The test stands out as well as with the innovative distinction between cross-cultural and culture-specific competence and with the strong empirical support of the model and the measurement procedure. The validity and reliability of the Cult Euro 1 Test was checked with regards to the contents validity, construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, face validity, statistical validity, structural validity and criterion validity. The analysis takes place in a time-saving manner with the help of an IRT-based software solution and offers comprehensive clarifications which ensure a high interpretation objectivity. In summary, the advantages of the Cult Euro 1 test are the following:

  • The first standardized test for Intercultural Competence
  • Innovative Model (General and Culture-Specific Competence) empirically validated
  • High content validity, construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, statistical validity, structural validity and criterion validity
  • Mixed-method approach: consideration of relevant target groups during the test construction
  • Critical incidents approach with high external validity and practicability for the Culture-Specific Intercultural Competence
  • Parallel versions A/B to provide a better and surer application in the practice

Application of the Test

The general and the culture-specific part of test are built as independent modules and can be applied as a modular system for remote as well as presence testings single or in groups. The conducting of the test takes place over the survey platform LimeSurvey which enables a secure and fast processing of the data. Individual participants can access the survey over any terminal device in a browser application and can conduct the test.

To enable an individual reaction to your challenges and goals we offer both test modules in addition to the standard A- and B-Versions each in the following versions:

Long version

Ideal for comprehensive tests for the preparation of stays abroad or development center

Approx. 30 minutes processing time

And B-Version

Standard version for the recruitment of employees, repeated testing with many equivalent test versions possible

Approx. 20 minutes processing time

Short version

Optimized version of the test for quick processing. Ideal for the testing of bigger personnel groups or research

Approx. 10 minutes processing time


Example test displayed in a browser

Your Results

The Cult Euro 1 Test offers the participants a differentiated analysis as well as an explanation about the meaning of the single values and how these values were achieved.

The test result can take values for each competence area stanine values of 1 to 9, the mean is five and the standard deviation is 2. A value of 5 means that approximately half of the people who filled in this test have achieved a higher value while the other half a lower value.

Additionally, the participants receive a visualisation of the test results which enables a fast interpretation. For companies, teams and departments we offer furthermore the possibility for accumulated group analysis which, for instance, can enter the organisational development.

Example Competence Profile

Proofs of Validity

A special feature of the Cult Euro 1 Test is its scientific foundation. The test was developed and validated in a multistage process. Based on its comprehensive qualitative study (more than 250 students, employees and unemployed) were identified in a first step 19 dimensions of intercultural competence. With these dimensions were developed items with seven answer options each. Furthermore, in the qualitative interviews critical incidents were identified. These situations which are especially relevant, challenging or typical for interactions with members of the German culture were subsequently applied in Situational Judgment Tests.

After the item pool was complemented with a student sample after a pilot study, the validation and standardization of the test took place with a sample of 6294 participants. A special emphasis was placed on the checking of the content validity, the convergent and discriminant validity as well as criterion validity. The calibration of the items was conducted the help of a Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM, Muraki, 1997) so that the analysis was IRT-based and took place over a Bayesian estimator. Eventually the items were divided into an A- and B-Version and the comparability and reliability of the two versions of the test were checked.