Seminar of Economic Policies
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
- Version
Version 1 of 06.02.2025.
- Module identifier
- Module level
- Language of instruction
- ECTS credit points and grading
- Module frequency
only winterterm
- Duration
1 semester
- Overall workload
The total workload for the module is 300 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").
- Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Lecture Presence - 25 Excursion Presence - 10 Practice Presence - 3 Individual coaching Presence - Lecturer independent learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 50 Study of literature - 47 Preparation/follow-up for course work - 100 seminar paper - 35 Exam preparation -
- Graded examination
- Written examination and Homework / Assignment
- Literature
- themenspezifische Fachaufs?tze, auch aus internationalen Journals
- vertiefende Lehrbücher
- Textauszüge aus unterschiedlichen Quellen.
- Applicability in study programs
- International Economics and Sustainability
- International Economics and Sustainability B.A. (01.09.2024)
- Person responsible for the module
- Hirata, Johannes
- Teachers
- Hirata, Johannes