Applied Event Management


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 13.0 of 10/26/2020

Code of Module


Modulename (german)

Angewandtes Veranstaltungsmanagement

Study Programmes
  • Betriebswirtschaft und Management - WiSo (B.A.)
  • ?ffentliches Management (B.A.)
  • Wirtschaftsrecht (Bachelor) (LL.B.)
  • Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Management (B.A.)
Level of Module


Mission Statement

This module introduces students to the critical elements associated with the planning, design and execution of events (e. g. strategic, financial, quality, Marketing and risk planning). Students will apply their learning in practical projects.


Students gain theoretical and practical knowledge to plan, design and execute events whereby different types of events are covered (e. g., exhibitions and trade shows, meetings and conventions, corporate events or sport and leisure events). Next to the lectures (to acquire the theoretical foundations), the students gain practical experiences through cooperation with partners from the event industry. (e.g., event agencies, convention and exhibition centres, small and medium sized businesses, public institutions, etc.)

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Broadening
Students who successfully complete this module are familiar with the different stages of event organisation
(such as event design, strategic planning, event execution, event controlling and evaluation) and can apply important tools and methods from quality, risk and project management. They are able to develop creative event concepts that consider the needs and wishes of disparate target groups.
Knowledge Deepening
Students who successfully complete this module can apply event theories in a practical real-life context and know how to deal with various partners from the event industry. They can develop creative event concepts (or critical parts of full concepts). Depending on the project partners and event types this includes for example:
- Feasibility analyses
- Strategic planning (including event goals and objectives, target groups)
- Development of specific marketing plans and campaigns
- Handling event budgets
- Quality and risk management
Instrumental Skills and Competences
Students who successfully complete this module can determine and assess market conditions and other important requirements to develop coherent event concepts. They can use project management methods and apply them in different contexts and for different event types.
Communicative Skills and Competences
Students who successfully complete this module can demonstrate effective communication and team working skills.
Systemic Skills and Competences
Students who successfully complete this module know and apply important event terms. They can design special concepts for different forms of events with disparate target groups.

Mode of Delivery

LecturesGroup workPresentationsPractical projects Case studies

Expected Knowledge and/or Competences

“Principles of Event Management”

Responsible of the Module

Werner, Kim

  • Werner, Kim
  • von Papen, Jost
  • Gro?e Ophoff, Markus
  • Temme, Thomas


Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
40betreute Kleingruppen
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Recommended Reading

Dinkel, M., Luppold, S., Schr?er, C., Handbuch Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement, Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2013

Eisermann, U., Winnen, L., & Wrobel, A. Praxisorientiertes Eventmanagement: Events erfolgreich planen, umsetzen und bewerten. Springer Verlag, 2014

Holzbaur, U., Jettinger, E., Knau?, B , Moser, R., Zeller, M., Eventmanagement: dafabet888官网,大发dafa888 professionell zum Erfolg führen, Springer Verlag, 2010

K?stle, T., Kompendium Event-Organisation: Business- und Kulturveranstaltungen professionell planen und durchführen, Springer Gabler, 2012

Kirchgeorg, M., Dornscheidt, W.M., Giese, W., Stoeck, N., Handbuch Messemanagement: Planung, Durchführung und Kontrolle von Messen, Kongressen und Events, Gabler Verlag 2003

Klein, A. (Hrsg), Kompendium Kulturmanagement: Handbuch für Studium und Praxis, Vahlen Verlag, 2011

Sch?fer-Mehdi, S., Eventmarketing: Kommunikationsstrategie, Konzeption und Umsetzung, Dramaturgie und Inszenierung, Cornelsen, 2012

Schreiber, M.-T., Kongresse, Tagungen und Events: Potenziale, Strategien und Trends der Veranstaltungswirtschaft, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012

Graded Exam

Portfolio exam


1 Term

Module Frequency

Winter and Summer Term

Language of Instruction
