Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf T?njes

Mail Address:

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck

P.O. Box 1940

49009 Osnabrueck



Visitor's Address:

Room UA 0308
Ursula-Flick-Str. 8-10

49076 Osnabrueck



Further Contact Information:


Tel.: +49 541 969-2941

Fax: +49 541 969-3757


Publications und Patents


The current research interest comprises mobile communication networks, Internet of Things, Service Platforms, and Data Security. The research focuses on following topics:

  • Protocols and architectures for mobile networks and performance evaluation by simulation and prototypical implementation of different application scenarios.
  • Internet of Things, in particular the development of powerful communication networks for Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Grids und Smart Farming.  
  • Service platforms for dynamic orchestration of distributed mobile applications and automated testing of services.
  • Data security and privacy to provide confidentiality, integrity and availability and to protect privacy.


Currently I am responsible for following lectures:

  • Mobile Communication (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
  • Signals and Systems (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
  • Mobile Data Communication (M.Sc. Computer Science)
  • Internet of Things (M.Sc. Computer Science)
  • Telematics (M.Sc. Computer Science)
  • Digital Radio Systems (M.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
  • Technologies in Service Engineering (M.Eng. Technology Analysis, Engineering and Management)
  • Applications Areas of Service Engineering (M.Eng. Technology Analysis, Engineering and Management)
  • Project Management (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
  • Project Management and Leadership Theory (M.Sc. Computer Science)

Curriculum Vitae

1961 Born in Delmenhorst
1982- 1989 Study of Electrical Engineering with focus on Communication Engineering at the University of Hannover (Dipl.-Ing.)
1989- 1990 Study of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK), (M.Phil.)
1990- 1998 University of Hannover , Research Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at ?Institut für Theoretische dafabet888官网,大发dafa888technik und Informationsverarbeitung“
1998 PhD in Electrical Engineering (summa cum laude)
1998- 2005 Ericsson Corporate Research, project manager of international research projects in the area of mobile communication, Ericsson representative in standardisation
Seit 2005 Professor for mobile communication und project management at University of Applied Science Osnabrück, Head of Mobile Communications Research Group (/mobilkommunikation.html )
