Program for Guest Auditors at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (UAS)

Be our Guest!

If you do not meet the entrance requirements for full studies at Osnabrück UAS at this moment, you can still participate in classes.

As a guest, you have the opportunity to participate in two courses and the exams that go along with these courses. If you pass the exams, you will receive a certificate that we will recognize if you become an international degree-seeking student at a later point of time.

In order to obtain the guest status, refugees must have applied for asylum, however, it is not necessary that they have already been granted asylum. Our regulations allow us to waive the fees that would normally apply to all guests.

How to become a guest auditor at Osnabrück UAS

Step 1: Make an appointment with the Center for International Students (CIS) or the Study Counselling Service

Firstly, we will try to get an impression of your educational background and of your language proficiency in German as well as English. If you have school leaving and/or study certificates with you, we will give you information on whether they can be recognised for becoming an international degree-seeking student at our university. Please note: If you are unsure which study program fits your interests best, please consult the Study Counselling Service!

Step 2: Assess your language ability in German

In order to offer you an adequate German language course, all guest auditors have to take part in an assessment test German as a second language organised by the CIS. You can choose between two dates but participation is obligatory. You will be invitated for the assesment test after your application for the guest audit programm has been received.

Step 3: Choose the modules that you would like to study

In consultation with the faculty that offers the subjects that you are interested in, you will agree on the modules that you like to study. At Osnabrück UAS, modules from different semesters (beginner and advanced) and from many study programs can be selected if places are available.

Please notice: If your German language level is lower than B1, you will find it difficult to follow the lecture. In this case we advise you to choose a German language course only.


Coordination and Advice

Arnaud Fischer

Arnaud Fischer

0541 969-3044
Center for International Students
AB 0004
Mo., Mi., Fr. 10:00 - 12:00