Development Quality in Study and Teaching
Regular attention to the potential for change, and above all the implementation of development quality itself, is supported by a variety of instruments at the faculty. They correspond to the guiding objectives and are tailored to different occasions for dealing with the quality of our course portfolio. The instruments are consistently oriented to the existing working structures and can therefore serve as an impulse for the steering groups of the degree programs, for the departmental groups of professors, of course for the evaluation of individual courses, and last but not least for discussion within the faculty bodies, above all the study commission and the faculty council. The focus is on three interrelated areas to which the instruments for developing the quality of study and teaching are assigned: Evaluation of our course portfolio, data and reports on academic development, and forms of student participation.
The individual instruments in detail
- Central and standardized module evaluation
Module evaluation at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences is undertaken based on the regulations for student evaluation of study and teaching at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, as well as on the central and decentralized procedural description. The aim of the evaluation process is to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. The knowledge gained from the evaluation of teaching is used to analyze internal structures and processes in order to ensure that they run smoothly and to promote enhancement. Module evaluation is carried out using a standardized questionnaire and focuses mainly on the teaching community between students and faculty.
- TAP (teaching analysis poll)
This instrument is designed to enhance and change the teaching and learning culture through a process of student reflection: A 30-minute facilitated discussion within the course. The instructor is not present. The small groups record their results in writing, then the facilitators collect the results and discuss them in plenary. The results of the discussion are then discussed separately with the instructor and new ideas are developed if necessary.
- Quality Analysis Dialog Forum
The Quality Analysis Dialog Forum is an instrument for the development and enhancement of degree programs. Facilitated discussions are held in several rounds with students and faculty of a degree program using discussion guidelines. The results are reflected upon together with the program directors.
- Advisory Dean’s Office
The goal of the Advisory Dean’s Office is to inform program directors about existing possibilities and opportunities for program development and enhancement, to initiate discussions with relevant experts on topics such as modeling, internationalization, the examination system, capacities, etc., and to make even better use of synergies within the faculty and the university. Existing data on the degree programs can also be included. The Advisory Dean’s Office is particularly relevant in preparing for accreditation and curricular restructuring as an essential instrument for supporting the development of degree programs.
Faculty members can find more detailed information on the individual instruments on the intranet under “Development quality”.
Enhancing degree program quality requires a broad and reliable information base. For this reason, the university has established the Academic Success Monitor, which regularly evaluates standard data on demand, academic performance, and progress in the degree programs. In the context of the university-wide project “Quality-controlled degree program development” of the Academic Affairs Department of the University Steering Committee, a report form was developed for this purpose, which – prepared for different occasions – is practicable and available on a regular basis. First, as a regular work report that is updated as often as possible each year by the departmental group or the degree program working group, and second – halfway through the accreditation phase – as a “midterm review” that provides an interim assessment with initial action plans. This midterm review is also submitted to the study commission and the faculty council for consultation and decision making.
- Semester Representatives
In many degree programs at the faculty, there are one or two semester representatives per study group who coordinate the group, conduct feedback discussions with the program directors in the case of very large degree programs, and are sometimes also members of the degree program working group. This instrument provides a good opportunity to directly involve students (as those concerned) in curricular enhancement.
- (Semester) meetings with students
The (semester) meetings between the program directors and their students take place in different formats: Feedback meetings at the end of the semester within the respective study groups, semester conferences, and celebrations or information events, but also platforms for exchange between new students and those in higher semester groups. Meetings can be very structured or of a more informal nature.
- Central student and graduate surveys
Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences conducts its own cross-faculty induction surveys and degree completion surveys. The surveys focus on the individual study process, the general conditions at the university, and the determining factors on the part of students. The aim is to provide students with the best possible support for their academic success and to systematically promote their potential. The university regularly participates in an external graduate survey.
- University rankings (CHE)
Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences takes part in the CHE University Ranking every year. The ranking includes data on teaching and learning, facilities, and research, as well as how students rate the overall environment.