Development Quality in Study and Teaching
Our Understanding of Education
We shape our Faculty as a Place of Social Education!
The Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences sees itself as a multifaceted space for the professional, personal, and social education of its members: In 39 bachelor’s and master’s programs as well as in-service continuing education courses, the faculty offers its more than 5,000 students a wide range of opportunities to acquire subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills. In this context, the faculty is guided by its understanding of education that closely links academic qualification for professional activities with the promotion of independent and solution-oriented thinking and action, critical judgment and discourse skills, and commitment to the common good.
This understanding of education, represented by the image of a house, was designed by faculty and students, and adopted by the university bodies as the basis for study and teaching at the faculty. The faculty also promotes social education through the social experience of daily student life, which its members make as participatory as possible and as an expression of shared responsibility (the “roof” of the house). Our degree programs have three main objectives: Employability, personal development, and the initiation of a commitment to civil society or the common good. However, this self-conception of education only becomes the “foundation” of the house through the values and attitudes shared by faculty, students, and staff in all degree programs.

Creating interdisciplinary, application-oriented, digitally supported, and discourse-oriented classroom teaching – these are the profile-forming key areas of education at this faculty of the university. After all, in a society characterized by diversity, digitalization, and internationality, the promotion of independence and lifelong learning is of particular importance. Openness to change and a constant willingness to develop professionally and personally are therefore expected of graduates of our academic education programs. It is also what we expect from our students, who complete their studies with a sense of responsibility and commitment, and above all with their own thirst for knowledge and experience. The Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences and its faculty see this as an ongoing mission and make an effective contribution to social development through academic education with innovative, application-oriented teaching and learning formats, interdisciplinary research and development, and an international profile (these connecting principles between faculty and students are the “levels of the house”).