International Faculty Office

Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

International Faculty Office at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

The international orientation of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences gives all students the opportunity to gather internatioal experience. For this purpose, the Faculty offers several international Bachelor and Master programs with integrated study semesters abroad and courses in English language. In addition, there are language courses in Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Polish and German as a Foreign Language.

In a study or internship semester abroad, students can get to know other cultures and languages and also take exams. The Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences has a close-knit network of partner universities. Argentina, the USA, the UK, Spain and South Africa are just a few of the countries where students can spend their semester abroad.

The Faculty not only encourages its own students to go abroad but also invites international students to become acquainted with the German culture and language. Its various Bachelor and Master programs provide comprehensive opportunities to spend a study semester in Germany.


The Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences is a member of EFMD Global. EFMD (European Foundation of Management Development) is a network of business schools and corporations dedicated to enhance excellence in management education and development globally.

International calendar

The International Calendar of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences comprises all events organized by the International Faculty Office (IFO):

  • Information regarding going abroad in general, and program-specific information in the various degree programs
  • Presentations of partner universities and information on the country and its people
  • International day with first-hand information by international students about their home universities

International Calendar Summer 2024 (Intranet)




International Projects


Postal address

dafabet888官网,大发dafa888 Osnabrück
Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
International Faculty Office
P.O. Box 1940
49009 Osnabrück

Visitors' address

dafabet888官网,大发dafa888 Osnabrück
Caprivistr. 30 A
CN building
Rooms CN 0202 - CN 0206
49076 Osnabrück

Further options