Incoming Students

Individual choice of modules

Individual Choice of Modules

A semester abroad – the experience of a lifetime!

To gain maximum flexibility and create a semester abroad geared to all your different interests, we offer an individual choice of modules, next to the numerous exchange programs that were created to match our students’ various study programs and profiles. Thus exchange and freemover students can create their individual timetable and design their exchange experience their way.

Gain specialist knowledge – make international friends along the way! You are allowed to combine English and German Bachelor and Master subjects, as well as language modules from different degree programs and semesters. This can however result in time conflicts. Be prepared to switch to alternative subjects at the beginning of the semester, if need be. Below you can find all modules offered to exchange students.

Individual choice of modules: English-taught Modules

Individual choice of modules: German-taught Modules

Language Modules

Key Facts

Winter semester:

September to February

Application deadline: 15 May


Apply now!

Summer semester:

March to August

Application deadline: 1 November


Apply now!

ECTS and workload


Learning agreement


No tuition fees



Orientation days
for incoming students


Buddy program to give you
the best start of your time in Osnabrück


Housing Service



Summer and winter programs


Study and life in Osnabrück