Incoming Visiting Students
Services for visiting students
Services for visiting students
Best use the following checklists and guidance documents so that you can optimally prepare for your mobility already in your home country and have all the necessary formalities in view after your arrival in or before your departure from Germany:
Pre-departure, arrival and departure checklists
Handbook for international students: see "Initial formalities upon your arrival"
How to book an online appointment at Residents' Registration Department - Bürgeramt Osnabrück
How to deregister from the Citizen Center Osnabrück before you leave Germany
We would advise you first of all to ask your home university for any funding programs they offer for a stay abroad, such as Erasmus+ for EU students.
Further tips how to finance your mobility in Germany:
- Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences: Financing
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Study in Germany - Funding
- German Student Services (YouTube video): Tips for international students - How do I finance my studies in Germany?
- Funding programs for students from the U.S.A, Canada and Brazil: UAS7 Study and Internship Program.
- Part-time jobs while studying in Germany: Handbook for international students

New international students
In order to help you to orient yourself easily at our university and in our town at the start of your stay in Osnabrück, a buddy shall take care of you.
Buddies are local students of our Faculty who shall, for example, pick you up at the station, assist you with the move into your residence room and shall also show you the university campuses. Your buddy supports you with the initial formalities (opening up a bank account, conclusion of a health insurance or registration at the Citizen Center unless this can be done during the group appointment arranged by the IFO) or can accompany you to a doctor, if desired. Further details on the buddy program can be gathered from our "Handbook for international students" (top right of this webpage).
This means you will have a helper and advisor in Osnabrück right from the beginning, and who knows: Maybe this will result in a lifetime friendship?
The International Faculty Office will select one for you and will send you the contact details before you travel to Germany. Afterwards you should get in touch with your buddy immediately. If the contact cannot be established for any reason or if you have questions, please write to:
We would advise you to arrange a meeting with your buddy for your arrival in Osnabrück so that you can be picked up. Hence give your arrival dates to your buddy once you have finished your travel arrangements.
Application procedure for students of our Faculty (prospective buddies)
Students of our Faculty who would like to take care as a buddy of an international student, can find all information on the application procedure and the tasks of a buddy on the Intranet.

In the week before the classes begin, the International Faculty Office wants to give all international study beginners a warm welcome at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences (WiSo). During our orientation days, we will introduce you to our university and service centers, show you the campuses and clear some registration processes with you. Moreover, the "meet and greet" event is a good opportunity to get to know the other international students and their buddies.
Unless you attend the International Language School German or the International Summer University, we strongly advise you to arrive in Osnabrück latest one week before our orientation days are held. Thus you will have enough time to clear important formalities and to make your accommodation your home.
For visiting students it is mandatory to attend the orientation days! We can tolerate your absence only if you can state a valid reason, e. g. examinations or other study obligations at your home university, delayed visa, medical treatments, etc. - private trips are no excuse! Please inform the International Faculty Office about your absence and late arrival.
The program can slightly vary from semester to semester. The International Faculty Office will e-mail the itinerary with the exact dates for the upcoming semester in due time.
Dates of the orientation days of the upcoming semesters: see Academic calendars
Every semester, the IFO organized various events for international students and their local fellow students (buddies) at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Science. These events offered both groups of students the opportunity to meet regularly on campus during the semester, get to know other cultures and make new friends. Join us and register for the events at IFO-Team.
Upcoming events in the summer semester 2025
13.03. Chat & Lunch, Mensa Westerberg, at 12:00
18.03. Social event: Get Together with Korean Students, CN0309, at 18:00
20.03. Cultural Evening: German Night, Caprivi Lounge, at 18:30
04.04. Chat & Lunch, Mensa Westerberg, at 12:00
10.04. Social Event - Easter Edition with AuL, Aquarium AuL, at 12:00
10.04. Cultural Evening: Theme tba, Caprivi Lounge, at 18:30
14.05. Welcome Back and Go Out, Caprivi Lounge, at 16:00
17.05. Social event: Kletterwald, Nettetal 4 - 49134 Wallenhorst, at 11:00
21.05. Social Event: International Dinner, Caprivi Lounge, at 18:30
05.06. Chat & Lunch, Mensa Westerberg, at 12:00
10.06. Social event: Farewell for the exchange students & their buddies, Caprivi Lounge, at 12:00